Weekly Plan

Weekly Plan:
Week 5
I will gather information and/or websites where I can translate for my I-Reflect paper.For this, I will be looking at Japanese tourism websites, such as Cities, entertainment, history, food, etc.
Week 6
Out of all the websites I have researched, I will decide on which topic I will translate for the next 6 weeks. (Food, entertainment, cities)
Week 7
City (Osaka)-Make my first translation on the topic selected. I will translate an article about Osaka city.
For reflection: Record any vocabulary or grammar that is unknown to me.
Week 8
Food (Osaka)Make my second translation.Choose a typical dish from Osaka city and translate it.
For reflection: Record any vocabulary or grammar that is unknown to me.
Week 9
Entertainment (Osaka) I will choose a entertainment location in Osaka and translate it.
For reflection: Record any vocabulary or grammar that is unknown to me.

Week 10
City (Tokyo) translate an article about Tokyo City
For reflection: Record any vocabulary or grammar that is unknown to me.

Week 11
Food (Tokyo)This time instead of translating a recipe, I will try to find at least 3 different popular spots in Tokyo; restaurants,bars or izakaya which are popular among Japanese and/or foreigners
For reflection: Record any vocabulary or grammar that is unknown to me.

Week 12
Entertainment (Tokyo). Similar to week 11, I will research for at least 3 different entertainment spots in Tokyo and translate it
For reflection: Record any vocabulary or grammar that is unknown to me.


How will I record my translation skills?

  • highlight vocabulary : I will highlight any new vocabulary that is new to me, and add it to another post called “Weekly vocabulary”
  • highlight grammar: If there is any grammar that is new to me, I will highlight them and I will reference the book or website where I had found it.
  • reflection: After each translation I will write what I had found hard to translate, and/or what I thought about each work.

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